Exploring and Imagining Futures
Materials: Physical model, Paper, Video Media

Size (W x L) (mm): 1500 x 1500

Team Members

Theresa Yeung

Matthew Gevers

Jasper Hilkhuijsen

Wai-lam Lee
Cass Lam

Tina Lam

Exploring and Imagining Futures

Physical model, Paper, Video Media

Size (W x L) (mm): 1500 x 1500

Imagine life 30 years from now. The seas have risen from the fossil fuels we burn, land we deforest, and meat we eat. The increase in temperature is enough to displace people and destabilise food production. This installation juxtaposes Hong Kong’s possible futures against personal memories that reveal the vulnerability of places we love. We are prompted to reflect on the kind of future we want and the choices to make in order to get there. After all, to imagine how we will live 30 years later is to first ask: How should we live now?